Maximum rows and columns in Excel Worksheet
Each column in Excel Worksheet is identified using letters from A to XFD. From A to XFD, there are 16384 total columns available.
Each Row in Excel Worksheet is identified using numbers from 1 to 1048576. From 1 to 1048576, there are 1048576 total rows available.
An Excel Worksheet's Column Letter starts with Column Letter "A". After the Column Letter "Z", next Column Letters are AA, AB, AC etc. After the Column Letter "ZZ", next Column Letters are AAA, AAB, AAC etc. Last Column Letter used in Excel 2019 is XFD.
An Excel 2019 worksheet has 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns.
Total 1048576 rows and 16384 columns provide 17179869184 available Cells in an Excel 2019 Worksheet.
Please note that if the Excel Workbook's file format is xls file format, the number of available rows and columns are considerably less.