How to delete Cells from Excel worksheet
Sometimes you may want to delete Cells from Excel worksheet. This tutorial lesson explains how to delete Cells from Excel worksheet. To delete Cells in Excel worksheet, follow these steps.
Step 1 - Select the location and number of Cells you want to delete from Excel worksheet. You can delete a single Cell or a Range of Cells in Excel worksheet, either in rectangle or square shape. In this example, I want to delete six Cells at Range address B4:C6, as shown below.
Another way to achieve the same result is by running "Delete Cells" command from Excel Ribbon > "Cells" Group > "Delete" menu button as shown below.
Step 3 - Excel displays its Delete Cells dialog box. There are four radio button options are available in Delete Cells dialog box, as shown in below image.
• If you select first first option ("Shift cells left"), the Cells at the right-side of the deleted Cells will be pushed to left-side to ocupy the location of deleted Cells. New blank Cells equivalant to the number of deleted Cells will be inserted at extreme right-side of involved Rows.
• If you select second option ("Shift cells up"), the Cells at the bottom will be pushed to up to occupy the location of deleted Cells. New blank Cells equivalant to the number of deleted Cells will be inserted at extreme bottom of involved Columns.
• If you select third option ("Enire row"), entire Rows will be deleted and the bottom Rows will be pushed up to occupy the position of deleted Rows. New blank Rows will be inserted at extreme bottom to maintain the total number of Rows in Excel worksheet the same.
• If you select fourth option ("Enire column"), entire Columns will be deleted and the right-side Columns will be pushed left to occupy the position of deleted Columns. New blank columns will be inserted at extreme right-side to maintain the total number of Columns in Excel worksheet the same.
Step 4 - Select any one of the option you require in "Delete" dialog box, and click "OK" button to delete Cells/Rows/Columns from Excel worksheet. Here in this example, I want to delete Cells by pushing the bottom Cells up.
The Celles at the selected Range are deleted, as shown in below image. Bottom Cells are pushed up to occupy the position of deleted Cells.
An animation about how to delete Cells from Excel worksheet is copied below.