
Error messages in Excel formulas

There are different error messages displayed by Excel while displaying formula result. Following table lists important error messages displayed by Excel while displaying formula results.

Excel Error Message Description
#VALUE! The #VALUE! error message is displayed while trying to perform mathematical operation with non-numeric values.
#REF! The #REF! error message is displayed when a Cell referenced in the Excel formula is deleted.
#DIV/0! The #DIV/0! error message is displayed while trying to divide any number with 0 (denominator as 0).
#NULL! The #NULL! error message is displayed when two cell references in a formula are separated by a space instead of a colon (:) or comma (,).
#N/A! The #N/A! error message is associated with VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, LOOKUP or MATCH Excel functions. It happens when your lookup value does not exist in lookup table.
#CALC! The #CALC! error message is displayed when Excel’s calculation engine cannot resolve the formula yet.

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