
Initial configuration of a Windows 2008 Server Core computer

Following are some tips for the initial configuration of a Windows 2008 Server Core installation.

How to change the default administrator password of a Windows 2008 Server Core Installation

To change the default administrator password of a Windows 2008 Server Core installation, press CTRL+ALT+DEL, click Change Password. Another way to change the default administrator password of a Windows 2008 Server Core installation is to run the command net user administrator * at the command prompt and then enter the new password.

How to change the time zone and date settings of a Windows 2008 Server Core Installation

To set the time zone of a Windows 2008 Server Core installation, run the command control timedate.cpl at the command prompt.

How to change the Regional and Language Options of a Windows 2008 Server Core Installation

To set the Regional and Language Options of a Windows 2008 Server Core installation, run the command control intl.cpl at the command prompt.

How to add a new user in a Windows 2008 Server Core Installation

To add a new user in a Windows 2008 Server Core Installation, use net user command as shown below. The !9MyPassword is the password for the user.

C:\>net user /add jajish !9MyPassword
The command completed successfully.

How to add a user to Local Administrators Group in a Windows 2008 Server Core Installation

To add a local user to local administrators group, use the net user command as shown below.

C:\>net localgroup "Administrators" jajish /add
The command completed successfully.

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